Site Build It! Testimonials
Site Build It!, SBI! provides many testimonials from their Case Studies.
My husband Patrick and I have selected a few of them for you to see what others are saying about Site Build It!, how they feel about it, and how SBI! has changed their lives...
You can also read what we say about SBI! on our
Website Building Tools Page.
SBI! makes home based online business success do-able. Anyone can succeed with an all-in-one process, tools, and guidance.
The process is simplified to such a degree that success (i.e., profit, not the mere presence of a Web site) is achievable even for a beginner. For an experienced person, achieving success is even smoother. SBI! changed our lives! It really does change lives!
The SBI! private forums provide friendly, helpful support from other Site Build It! users. Help is available from folks who are in the same place as you. This peer-to-peer support gets you over the humps along the way in a stress-free environment. Help is available even for advanced questions. The forums are a business-building support community ready to help you succeed.
Read the Testimonials below that Patrick and I have selected for you:
"What can I say? Life has never been better. Freedom is something that can't be paid for.
It's not that I work less, I probably work more than I ever did, but I do it on my own terms.
It doesn't feel like work at all.
I am confident that I will never have to work for others again unless I want to!
It became clear that the Site Build It! forums alone are worth the price of SBI! - their posts and the many helpful articles written by fellow SBIers in the HQs (TNT and Monetization) have got to be the most amazing business and income-building resources on the planet.
The world's best kept secret!"
~ B. Bradtke
Outback Australia Travel Secrets
"This affiliate marketing case study describes how a novice working part-time used Site Build It! to create an affiliate web site that achieved $49,000 in sales in just over a year.
His second site has now achieved more than $308,000 in sales for one merchant. We earn a commission on that. He spends nothing on advertising."
~ Allan Gardyne
Rupert's SBI! Experiment
"Site Build It!, SBI! changed my life. I know this sounds like a "cliche", even corny to some, but it is perfectly true.
I now devote all my time at being happy and productive, with my wife, close by my side, making her own dreams come true.
As we sail in the sunset ... it keeps receding, while remaining just as breathtaking. I am 61 years young, and having the time of my life!"
~Claude Jollet
Top Web Entrepreneurs Plan It
"My mom became interested in SBI! about a year after I started my first site.
Since then she's been working on her own sites which are now bringing in a nice monthly income for her.
Many people ask me about how I earn a living.
They're all curious... lots of questions and a sparkle in their eye as they think about how they could do it too... and they could! In truth though, most of them don't.
So seeing my mom go ahead and create her own success is incredible!
My income continues to grow along with my passion for this business I'm building.
Some recent additions to SBI!s functionality have made it possible for me to take the business in exciting new directions."
~ Michelle Schill
Style Hair Magazine
"My photography website is producing so much work offline it is stopping me from building more sites (which is what I want to do). I have started another which is also starting to take off, and now "work is really getting in the way of work."
The beauty about everything I am currently doing, and plan to do for the next few years, is that my efforts will create passive and residual income.
I am creating a pension that I can actually pass down to my kids. How many people have one of those?"
~ Nick Stubbs
All Things Photography
"Actually, I'm more of a broker or a sales agent than a distributor. To my customers, though, I look like a large national distributor with multiple warehouses across the country.
In fact, I do use several warehouses across the country, I just don't have to tie up any of my money in owning inventory because I let the "old school" distributors do that.
I am a virtual distributor, a modern-day sales agency...
I'm not kidding, Ken (but I am bragging a touch).
We started our business with zero customers. Every single one of our customers this year came from Site Build It!, SBI! generated leads."
~ Jerry Mack
Sonoma Health
"I even checked out respected web experts, Ralph Wilson and Jim Daniels, who both gave SBI top marks. I had nothing to lose (SBI has a money back guarantee) and everything to gain.
Little did I know at that point that we were about to set out on one of the most exciting, bizarre years of our lives."
~ Fiona McCardle/Jim Andrew
Rent a Villa in Tuscany
If you want to watch Videos and hear from more SBIers, and learn why so many people love Site Build It!, click on SBI! Author Ken Evoy's photo below.

You can click on the SBI! book below to watch the Solo Build It! Video Action Guide that Patrick and I have been using to build our sites. Enjoy!
Solo Build It!, SBI! changed the way we do our business. It can change it for you too!
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